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Classical Conversations

24 April 2017

Day 40 / 106 - Shakespeare Workshop

A favorite class that I facilitated this year was a four-day Shakespeare workshop.  If you don't remember, last year I became enamored with The Bard primarily because of this book.  Once I learned how to read Shakespeare, I learned that I loved reading Shakespeare.

I opted to discuss A Midsummer Night's Dream.  My children and I were still pretty familiar with the play from studying it last spring.  Plus, if you are familiar with the comedy, there are four different plot lines throughout.  This made simple planning for four days of material.  Our main focus was discussing a different plot line each day.

We kept busy with several enjoyable activities which helped us know and understand this comedy.  For many students, a highlight was the different scenes we acted out.  [If you are searching for Shakespeare resources, the California Shakespeare Theater has some superb teacher's guides.]   Because it is such a win in my Middle Ages History class, we also hashtagged several of the characters.

On a personal note, while searching the library for resources on A Midsummer Night's Dream, I stumbled across this book.   I thought it would have tips on teaching Shakespeare.  It doesn't.  Instead, it has the life-changing story of a thespian-turned-author who started a Shakespeare club at a struggling, inner-city school.  Her club performs A Midsummer Night's Dream.  If you are a lover of teaching, learning, acting, Shakespeare's notorious comedy, or life-changing stories, I highly recommend this book.  It is excellent.  You will not be disappointed.

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