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Classical Conversations

02 January 2017

Day 15 / 106 - XC

Like last year, from July through November, our son ran Cross Country.  Different from last year however, is that our son was prepared with a plan for this year's Cross Country season.

Since he's a freshman, he graduated up to the high school 5K distance.  He ran in about a dozen meets, and his personal best for the season was a 19:17.  [He did run in a road-race during the height of his training, and he clocked in with a respectable 18:48.]  It was a great season.  Above all, he really, really, really enjoys it.  That, in and of itself, is worth the time investment in this sport.

I honestly could do multiple posts on his individual races and achievements.  I still might.  Since the season has ended, he has kept himself active with local 5Ks, earning awards at several.  He showed me today, marked on his own calendar, the date spring track practice begins.

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