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10 February 2015

Day 63 / 104 - Life Happens At The Table, Week Two

It has been a joy to capture memories around my table the past two weeks.  Here are a few of the happenings ....

My daughter has truly been on a baking kick.  There have been dozens of cupcakes.  There are brownies in the oven presently.  For the grown-ups, moderation is key.

Tracing and drawing maps and human anatomy systems.

Clearly, something was happening here.

One day, it was organized.  Trivial Pursuit cards have made a resurgence in our home recently and have been receiving lots of attention.

For the record, Sunday evening we even ate dinner at it !!

Here are two reasons I have enjoyed this activity this week.  First, in my previous post I mentioned some packing paper that had been on the table for weeks.  Weeks!  Regularly taking pictures of my table forced me to put away the packing paper.  That in and of itself was quite the victory.  Second, in two of these pictures you can see a dog food bag sitting next to the empty container where we usually store the dog food.  Again, the pictures forced me to place the food into the container and throw the bag away.  Small but mighty victories for household management.

If you aren't following along on Instagram, I have a link to my profile on the right hand side of this page.  Join in on the fun using the hashtag, #LifeHappensAtTheTable.

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