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10 October 2016

Day 6 / 106 - September Happens At The Table

All my good intentions to catch up on my blog this weekend were quickly denied when I discovered the 'shift' key on my computer is not working.  It is quite challenging to type anything without using the 'shift' key.  Try it.  [In fact, I wanted to ask a question here - do you know how difficult it is to type without using the 'shift' key - but I cannot type a question mark.  Note the brackets because I cannot type parenthesis.  I also cannot make emojis.]

Naturally, we have other computers in our home that I can use, but many images I need to post to the blog were already saved on this computer.  So, I'm attempting to write of our table happenings from September sans 'shift'.

This day was a productive day.  All dry erase markers were located and placed in one spot.  Then we determined which ones still worked.  Others were trashed.  Purging always brings great joy. 

I briefly mentioned that we've added in much project-based history research this year.  It has been incredibly fun.  Plus, history is the easiest subject to integrate into other subjects.  While studying Constantine, we diagrammed sentences about him and used the numbers 3, 1, 3 [the year he issued the Edict of Milan] to play our morning math game.  

Finally, every year that I teach/learn Henle Latin, I discover new ways to organize ourselves.  I laminated these posters, and they are proving to be a huge win.  [I need an exclamation point here, but I'm unable.  Also, insert sad emoji because I am unable to use the exclamation point.]

I hope your October is off to a great start, and that you are finding all kinds of joy around your table. 

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