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Classical Conversations

17 August 2016

Day 99 / 105 - Great Western Adventure

In July, our son traveled west for nine days.  He accompanied 22 others members of his Boy Scout troop on their Great Western Adventure.

This was an incredibly full trip, as you can see from the agenda posted above.  The troop flew into Denver, and then spent the rest of their time journeying through South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming.  They visited seven National parks and/or monuments, as well as countless other tourist spots.

They camped every night, and most of it was off-the-beaten-path camping.  Everything our son took on the trip had to be carried on his back.  They moved locations daily.  

In order to participate in the trip, there was a certain rank requirement that the Scouts needed to achieve beforehand as well as a few specific merit badges.  Our son was busy this spring fulfilling those requirements.   

He said his favorite part of the trip was horseback riding in the Tetons.  

He had a great time! (Although he was quite exhausted upon returning home.)  

1 comment:

  1. I know he had a trip he will remember for a lifetime! My eagle-scout/scout-leader dad took our family on a month-long camping trip across the U.S. All of us remember it fondly and vividly, even though it was 49 years ago. Thankfully, Dad didn't make his 7-, 8-, and 10-year-olds earn very many badges beforehand! Lol!
