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31 March 2016

Day 68 / 105 - March Learning With My Kids

Welcome to Daily Learning With My Kids.  Monthly, I'm highlighting when my children (or myself) have learned something new or noteworthy.  Oftentimes, my children will have these discoveries independently and without curriculum.  That's the best kind of learning.  I plan to remember these a-ha moments to keep the joy in the journey.

My daughter discovered this was a super simple way for her to drill herself for Memory Master. Because Cycle 1 Geography is all over the map (literally), I indicated the number of Geography items she needed for each continent (or area) on an old Trivium Table. Now she can look at the map and almost instantly identify the locations, even without a prompt.  

The Google doodle on March 9th introduced us to Clara Rockmore and the Theremin.  We had much fun learning about and listening to the music.  If you aren't familiar, look it up!

Dr. Seuss authored Green Eggs and Ham after betting his publisher that he could tell as story with less than fifty distinct words.  We wrote critiques on Green Eggs and Ham using IEW's Unit 9 materials.  

My children informed me that the Nile crocodile carries her hatchlings in her mouth.  She can carry as many as 15 babies at one time!  One never outgrows a fascination with reptiles.

Since I rarely use curriculum and my children have never taken a test, I wanted to highlight two moments when I've seen their learning at work.  In our Logic class, my son was given a National Mathematics League Pre-Algebra test.  He breezed through the sheet finishing it with correct answers in less than ten minutes.  My daughter and I walked through what I called the 'blue book' exam for Essentials Chart A.  She was full of examples and definitions for every item on the chart.

March was a success.  I'm looking forward to learning in April.

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