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05 January 2016

Day 44 / 105 - December Happens At The Table

Food.  Drinks.  Merriment.  December is a joyous month.

Naturally, we spent most of the month celebrating.

We enjoyed a very relaxed school schedule, which allowed my daughter to focus on what's truly important to her -- crafting gingerbread houses and mastering the Rubik's Cube.  

My very simple, disposable tree (which I posted about last month) fulfilled its duty when yesterday I cleaned up the entire thing in less than half an hour.  My 14-year-old son even stated, "I've never seen you clean up Christmas so easily and quickly."  I'm aiming for an abbreviated school schedule this week while we get a little more organized.  Next week, we'll be off and running.  

Happy New Year!  Wishing you an enjoyable start to 2016.  #LifeHappensAtTheTable

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