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Classical Conversations

30 September 2015

Day 22 / 105 - Abstract Art

In Classical Conversations' Fine Arts schedule, abstract art always falls on Week 4.  For the several years that I was a Foundations tutor, I loved completing an abstract piece of art with stencils.  (I posted in depth about it here.)

Since this is my daughter's last year in the Foundations program, I made sure her new-to-CC Foundations tutor was armed with many stencils, so that she could enjoy this in-class activity one more time.  As you can see, her artwork was quite detailed, and she needed to finish the piece at home.

If you are a CC parent, and you still have little ones in the Foundations program, I would recommend saving one piece of artwork each week for the length of time they are in the program -- i.e. one abstract piece, one perspective piece, etc. for six years.  (If you are not impressed with what they produced in class, create a new piece at home.  The overview for each week's assignment is listed in the Fine Arts section of your Foundations Guide.)  That way, at the end of their many years in the program, you and your children can compare their very first drawing with their very last.

Disclaimer:  I feel that I should add that I never did this, but I wish that I would have, which is why I'm suggesting it to you!!


  1. That is a great suggestion to save the art work -- thank you!

    1. You're welcome.
      Another of the many things I wish I would have done sooner! ;)
