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Classical Conversations

15 December 2014

Day 48 / 104 - Nutcracker 2014

Last weekend, my daughter danced in two performances of Beckley Dance Theatre's Nutcracker.

We love the Nutcracker.  It has become a part of our holiday tradition for many years.

She danced beautifully in the Act 1 party scene, a role she had been eager to fill for awhile.  Like before, she took her small role quite seriously and didn't miss a single rehearsal (which began in early September!!)  Plus, she loved her party-scene dress that was very generously made by her grandmother.  (She's in the middle of the above picture -- green dress with two white embroidered flowers on the top.)

Beckley Dance Theatre does a superb job with its performances.  At times, I sit in the audience and am amazed that I'm witnessing a dance school and not a professional ballet company.  The artistry of the choreography, dancers, and the set is beautiful.  I am always so grateful that we invest the time to be a part of these performances. 

For added excitement, once again, my daughter was able to join the invited guest dancers for lunch.  (You may remember from last year, she won an autographed pair of pointe shoes which has become a prized possession for her.)  Like last year, lunch was a highlight of her very full weekend.

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