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24 November 2014

Day 43 / 104 - Still Not Eating at the Table, Month 2

Last month, I wrote this post where I shared how I found such enjoyment in my messy dining room table.  This activity was therapeutic for me.  In fact, I shared with another how if I did not already have a plan for an annual portfolio, I would do this.  Weekly, I would take a picture of our educational journey from our dining room table, I would list five activities that were happening, I would print it out, and then at the end of the year, I would assemble a book of messy dining room table pictures.  Voila! 

However, since I already have a plan, I decided I will do this once a month.  It's good for me.  All this happened today.

1.  My daughter is mastering her first 12 weeks of memory work.  Here you see Geography and times tables.

2.  After spending all fall drawing North and South America and Europe, my son is now working on combining them by drawing the entire Western Hemisphere.

3.  My son made Latin Grammar flash cards.  Very helpful.

4.  Handmade duct tape wallet and letter prepared to be mailed to one of my daughter's BFFs.

5.  My husband was home today and cleaned the heck out of our patio sliders.  They are cleaner than they have ever been.  Good things happen when the patio sliders are clean.

We probably won't be eating at the table tonight, but we could possibly eat off the sliders.

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