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Classical Conversations

15 January 2014

Day 49 / 103 - Mastering Geography (with color)


I'll be honest.  If you do not utilize Classical Conversations material, this post will probably not make much sense to you.  However, if you are a CCer, and you are working with your child(ren) to become a Memory Master, I thought I'd share one of our trusty, yet incredibly simple, tips for mastering Geography.

I make a few copies of the maps and the Geography memory work from the Foundations Guide.  Then we assign a color for each week.  We mark that color on the landmarks on the map and the Geography memory work page.  We also mark whether it was on map #1 (world map) or map # 2 (European map).  To label all 24 weeks takes a little bit of time, but it's time well-invested.  Plus parents, if you take the time to make a map for yourself also, I guarantee you will master the Geography in no time.

But, the simplicity and the usefulness of this color-coded map comes when you begin to drill with it.  I use this map to now prompt with the Geography title and the color.  For instance I would say, "European Rivers in pink", or "European Mountains in orange".  My daughter can easily locate the features on the map that she's colored.  After drilling this way for a few weeks, my children can comfortably transition to a map without color.

We have successfully drilled for Memory Master all three cycles using this technique.


  1. Super idea! We will have to try this next year! Terrific link-up! Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a great idea. I got here from your memory work folder post. Do you color code the maps as you go or do you do the entire 24 weeks before "school starts" and then use it as a master? Then what do you use the extra copies of the maps for? Review?

    1. Michele ...
      We color-code as we go. Usually I make myself a master one about half way through the year, just so I can stay on top of the Geography. We use extra copies to color, trace, label, draw, etc. I love the Geography Trivium Tables, too.
