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Classical Conversations

09 December 2013

Day 44 / 103 - Nutcracker 2013

This past weekend my daughter performed in two performances of The Nutcracker along with many others from her dance school.  Once again, we have loved immersing ourselves in all things Nutcracker for the past several weeks months.  Classical ballet.  Tchaikovsky.  The score.

My daughter auditioned for a role as a Toy Soldier back in August and has rehearsed nearly every weekend since then.  She took her small role incredibly seriously, and attended every rehearsal with excitement and without complaint.

I mentioned earlier this year how grateful I am for the dance school that we have stumbled into in Beckley.  Their Nutcracker performance was superb.  The dancers from the school are incredibly talented, and the director brings in professional dancers (from New York, Cleveland, Chicago, and more!) for many of the key solo parts.  With rehearsals, I sat through the performance several times and not once was I disappointed.

However, probably the highlight of the entire event for my daughter was her Saturday luncheon with the professional cast members.  The school conducted a ticket-selling contest for the younger cast members with the Grand Prize being lunch with the dancers, and the autographed pointe shoes of Savannah Lowery of the New York City Ballet who was starring as the Sugar Plum Fairy.  Since we are still fairly new to the school, we weren't exactly sure what it took to win, and to be honest we really didn't work very hard at selling tickets, (Thank you to our CC group if you bought your tickets from us !!) so imagine our surprise when we discovered that she was the winner!  She had a great lunch resulting in becoming friends with the professional cast and has the pointe shoes proudly displayed in her room.

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