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Classical Conversations

01 May 2015

Day 96 / 104 - April Happens At The Table

You may recall, the big news this month is that our house is for sale.  We've had quite a few showings, which is worth rejoicing.  Therefore, our dining room table has resembled more of something you'd find in a dining room instead of something you'd see in a hippie commune/chemistry classroom/art studio/Lego store (insert various other random locations that might have lots of activitiy here).

The picture above is probably my greatest parenting moment to date.  Seriously.  Twenty-six minutes before this picture was taken, our table looked like it usually does.  We received a last minute call for a showing.  This team effort by my children yielded no yelling from me.  Victory.

Diligently, my daughter worked to end her CC year on a high note.  A few times we opted for a Starbucks' table to keep the mess in our home contained.

I was blessed with a jar of gratitude from the Beckley CC community. I have left it on my table even during our showings.

After spending the year drawing the continents, my son will be spending his last month of school drawing the world.  He works on one of these maps at least once a week.

Most fun to me, however, is seeing the activity around your tables.  I love pictures that document life.

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